Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When I see a QDFR I know this must be a cell site. There are three QDFR's here, two are stacked on top of each other.

Before getting to the QDFR the wire is pulled from here.
And this is the view from the cell site.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

DMX Mux, or DISC's

A new mux. We're pre wiring for some existing circuits to be cut to this new mux.

The circuit arrives from the co to the field here. We wire from the co location to the relay rack location.

And the relay rack is located on the other side of the cabinet. Two circuits have already been cut.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another new type of RT. This one is next to Hardin Valley School. One bit of wisdom I picked up today is the CO, or any remote tester, cannot see a short on an HDSL circuit. So much to learn!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb. 2010

On this Moday, Feb. 1st, we repair a circuit in a telco room.
One thing I notice is a quad mount that's protected on the customer side, as well as the telco company side. My trainer explains that for a short while this was a company practice. Now the only circuits that are protected both sides are cell sites.
We repaired this circuit by cutting a change on the F1.