After eight years working behind a desk I find myself once again in the field. It's interesting work, and I enjoy it, but it's also tough, especially at my age. There's the physical side of the job, and that's a concern, but there's also so much to learn. That's where I'm hoping this blog will help.
Today I worked at a cell site and helped install three circuits on a QDFR. I never heard of a QDFR before today.
At one point the tech. that's training me asked if I remembered our color code. I said yes and he handed me a punch down tool, and pointed to a 25 pair cable and a 66 block. I looked at the cable and the 66 block and thought, "I think I remember the color code."
I think I just figured out who you are. I guess you knew who I was all along. Why didn't you tell me?